Whew – it’s a warm one today. I spent the weekend catching up on my to-do list, then I decided last night I HAD to make Jam from the gajillion pounds of cherries we got from our tree this year. I don’t know if it is just these cherries or cherries in general, but it doesn’t really “scream” cherry. It’s sweet, it’s a bit tart, but not a distinct Cherry flavor. But’s it’s jam – 4 jars full!

My little guy is turning 3 on Wednesday, and I can’t figure out what to get him. He LOVES being in the kitchen and pretending to cook, but we don’t relaly have the room for a kiddy kitchen, so I was thinking about getting him a bunch of the baking and cooking sets I have seen, and some play food, and putting it in one of these shopping baskets from Target:

Summer Metal Frame Basket

Yes? No? He has trucks and trains up the wazoo, and the grandparents usually take care of clothes, so I thought this might be a fun option.

On the WW front, I lost 2 more pounds, but Aunt Flo brought them back with her – ugh. But I have to admit that the PMS that usually rages just before her visit was almost non-existent this month…I have been moving and exercising more – our cable has exercise TV on demand and it has a TON of different videos. Dance, ballet, tae bo, and even Jillian from the “Biggest Loser”. So much better than trying to get up at 5:30 in the morning to sneak in a walk before everyone wakes up.

I am taking TONS of pictures – I am getting braver about showing them, and learning a lot more about my camera – I can’t rave enough about Me Ra Koh’s “Beyond the Green Box” videos for making sense out of all the technical parts of a camera without making it seem intimidating. Her blog is also a great place to find fun tips and other inspiring women photographers…


Well, back to the grindstone laundry. I have a couple of fun giveaways to tell you about later. Have a great Monday!!

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  1. Any chance you’d like to share that jam recipe? We have a gazillion cherries and I have no clue what to do with them all – rather than them just being eaten, and it turn poo’d out, by a bunch of birds.

  2. Great pictures – you MUST be making him a chef’s apron and hat to go with his supplies 😉
    Thanks for the photo tips too, I never spend enough time learning to use all of what my camera has to offer.

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