So there I was, at the airport with BlissDom’s Über-Fabulous Keynote Speaker , when we ran into other talented, creative BlissDom girls. Making our way towards the gates, we stopped in an airport gift shop. Surrounded by the awesomeness of Moon pies (love the banana ones), Slap-yo-mama BBQ sauce and Elvis Lunch boxes, I was quickly overwhelmed and grabbed my bag and Jen’s and headed out to wait with Melissa and Kimba. Little did I know I had been the victim of a desperate stowaway…


(it’s a pooch-i…*)

 I had no idea a little pink friend had joined us, having snagged itself on the bag as I wound my way out of the maze of the airport gift shop. Until Jen walked out…and noticed the furry pink thing on her bag. NO ONE had noticed I walked out of their shop with a poodle, no one seemed to care when I brought it back. Except for my new BlissDom friends, who didn’t let me forget (Thanks Melissa!!) that I tried to free a helpless animal from her tragically tacky home…

 PS-Can you guess what you 3 are getting for Christmas this year???

*Pooch-i = pucci. Get it??

(no pink furry glittery poodle purses were harmed in the posting of this blog)

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  1. Ok, I have to say that was one of the funniest moments EVAH. Maybe you had to be there. The look on everyone’s faces when we saw what you had done was priceless. 🙂

    WHY didn’t we take a picture? It would have made a great candid camera video.

    I still chuckle every time I think about it. Of all things to accidentally shoplift? A pink sparkly furry dog purse?

    Thanks for the laugh 🙂


  2. {snort}

    I’m cracking up over here!

    I don’t know what was funnier…the look on Jen’s face as she chased you out of the store…or the look on your face when you realized you had a stowaway.

    I still laugh when I think about it!


  3. I saw the puppy picture and immediately recongized that it was my daughter’s dog, Frenchy and her carrier! Really, my daughter has the same dog and carrier that she received as a gift during our family trip to Ocean City, Maryland. Your story was really funny!

  4. So funny.. Amazingly you weren’t taken down by airport security. I’m just imagining.. “M’am, put the pink poodle purse down and no one gets hurt!”

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